Sunday, 31 July 2016


All you fans of music trivia out there will already know that Patti Boyd, who was married to George Harrison and then Eric Clapton, had three of the world's most famous love songs (of the pop/rock era anyway) written about her: The Beatles' Something and Clapton's Layla (performed by Derek - who was Eric - and the Dominoes) and Wonderful Tonight. But there was lots of other stuff about Patti and her relationships I didn't know. Such as:
  • as a 19 year old model dressed as a schoolgirl, she met Harrison on the set of A Hard Day's Night. Harrison made sure he sat next to her at lunch and his first words to her were "Will You Marry Me?" followed by "Well, if you won't marry me, will you have dinner with me tonight?"
  • it was Patti, who an interest in meditation and yoga, who turned Harrison and the other Beatles on to the Maharishi which led to them visiting India in 1968. Ironically the India jaunt marked the beginning of the end of her relationship with Harrison as, presumably inspired by the Maharishi who was a notorious womaniser*, he returned more into Krishna and less into monogamy, starting a string of affairs (* the initial version of Beatles song Sexy Sadie written, as much of the White Album was, in India had the working lyric "Maharishi, you made a fool of everyone" when Lennon realised what the yogi was up to)
  • Harrison's friend Clapton wrote her lovesick notes and then, in 1970, invited her to his flat and played his new song, Layla, for her. She thought it sounded "powerful and desperate". Layla was Clapton's pet name for her, after the ancient Persian story of Layla and Majnun, about a poet driven mad by his love for a girl who was promised to another
  • However, Boyd didn't split with Harrison until 1974, the final straw being Harrisons's fling with Ringo Starr's wife, Maureen (though by then she'd had an affair with Ronnie Wood of the Faces and later the Rolling Stones).
  • Having swapped George, who Boyd said used cocaine excessively, for Clapton, who preferred heroin and alcohol, she married Clapton in 1979. Clapton started cheating on her a week after they married. But two months after they married, they held a reception at which Harrison, McCartney and Starr took part in a jam session with Mick Jagger, Elton John and David Bowie. Might have been worth seeing - although they were probably all smashed.
  • By 1989 the marriage to Clapton was over and Boyd had to get used to life outside the rock n roll bubble, finding out how to use public transport and pay electricity bills (no big divorce settlements in those days)
  • Boyd was also the inspiration for the Clapton song Bell Bottom Blues.

Patti Boyd was interviewed by Sarfraz Manzoor in the Sunday Times Magazine, 24 July 2016. But I thought the most striking thing was the photos of Patti from back in the day, which showed how much things have changed in 50 years. Apologies here feministas, but it was the huge gap between her two front teeth, which no model would appear with now, which caught my eye:

And here she is with George (and toothy gap):

And with Eric (and toothy gap):

But in the up to date photo of Patti with her 3rd husband, a property developer, not surprisingly she looks like she's got a string of shiny, evenly spaced gnashers.:

(Some additional information here is from Wikipedia and recollections of what I've read elsewhere)

1 comment:

  1. I missed all this kind of musical experience Phil as I was into Motown and Isaac Hayes but your posting has educated me about things I did not know about.
