Well you can be forgiven for saying "it's not funny" but the recent amazing sequence of events since June 23 has certainly made it interesting, with more keeling over than in an Agatha Christie novel and the body count still rising. As I said in my post of 27 June, the situation is very fluid and the fluid is blood! But it's spawned some good wisecracks:
According to the Daily Mail, 4 Tory MPs were overheard discussing their leadership contest. One said "Jeremy Hunt should have gone for it. He would be brilliant a negotiating Brexit with Brussels. He did such a good job with the junior doctors".
Also in the Mail, after the widespread ridicule of several exaggerations on Angela Leadsom's CV (doesn't she watch The Apprentice and see how they always get found out for that?) one of her "allies" quipped "she didn't have to put up with this nonsense when she was an astronaut".
Those Tories really are going round stabbing each other in the chest, aren't they? Always a sign that they are confused!
And Rod Liddle noted that many consider Angela not to be the brighter of the Eagle twins, but it wouldn't be like Labour to go for the less suitable sibling in a leadership contest, would it?
As if that wasn't enough, there was the unintentional (presumably) irony of Union boss Len McCluskey calling Jeremy Corbyn a "man of steel", which was what Stalin's name meant (he was born Josef Vissarionovich Djugashvili). You really couldn't make it up. With friends like that....
Meanwhile the Germans call their Chancellor, Angela Merkel, "Mutti", which means "mummy". And now we'll have Mother Theresa. So things are likely to get less funny as Mrs May has been described by a Tory MP as "icily professional - like Mrs Thatcher without the sense of humour". Eh?
Though not entirely lacking in humour as she responded to Ken Clarke's jibe that, like Thatcher, she was a "bloody difficult woman" by saying "I am a bloody difficult woman. The next man to find that out will be Jean Claude Junker".
And all this in the last few days. It's certainly funnier than any sitcom I've seen in ages!
Nice review of a desperate situation Phil. Hard to laugh at all the ridiculous things that have been going on but if we don't laugh we all go mad and end up running for the Tory or Labour leadership! Hope the eagle has a bad landing, can't be doing with her.