My last post was mainly about the state of the economy and the reasons Rachel Reeves looks as if she's not sleeping.
Though perhaps the reason she's not sleeping is that she's not up to the job.
While I didn't vote for Labour I had long resigned myself to them winning and felt that, as at least it was Starmer-Reeves and not Corbyn-McDonnell, things should be ok. Oh they would make a mess of it slowly, as Labour always does, but nothing catastrophic. I found confidence in the fact that Reeves had had a career in finance and had been an economist at the Bank of England.
What could go wrong?
For a start Rachel wasn't what she claimed to be, or had allowed us to believe she was.
First we found out that claims that she'd been the British under 14 national chess champion were slightly exaggerated. She actually came 26th*. Some supporters tried to claim she was being harshly treated for winning the 'wrong chess tournament' as she apparently won - with 3 others - the British Women's Chess Association under 14 competition, a rather less significant achievement**. She may only have ever said that she won A rather than THE national under 14 title but she had allowed it to become part of her bio.
She claimed on her LinkedIn CV to have been at the Bank of England for a decade - it was actually 6 years. She also said she was an economist with the Bank of Scotland. Except she wasn't. She was in a customer services role with the Halifax, part of that banking group but a very different role. This came to light when former colleagues outed her. Her linkedin page suddenly got 'updated' and she let it be known that she had "brought her experience as an economist" to a role in retail banking. Oh dear***.
I thought nearly everyone realised that, if there ever was any point in tweaking your CV, it won't work now and isn't worth it. I saw much bluster evaporate under simple questioning when interviewing candidates for employment and that was a long time ago now.
So Rachel's not as sharp a tool as she'd allowed us to think. These things always come out in the end.
As far as I can understand the Reeves "plan", the top priority is growth. I agree, tick. But we have a crisis of delivery in public services. I accept that required higher taxes in the short term: things have to be paid for. However, the important point for the longer term is that significant productivity improvements are essential. Labour doesn't seem to have the a clue on how to go about that. Indeed, their first actions, bunging money at doctors and train drivers while with drawing any requirement for changes in working practices, was seriously counter-productive (pun intended). Change to the borrowing rules to enable more investment - big tick, I've thought for a long time it was daft that capital spend got slashed at the first sign of problems for the budget. Balancing current spend with taxation and investing in tangible assets at an affordable rate makes much more sense. Though the implication is that, when the economic outlook deteriorates, the chancellor will have to cut spend or raise taxes straight away. You can see why chancellors have taken the soft option of deferring capital spend - it hurts much less at the time.
Returning to "topline" in the plan - growth (pun also intended). From the outset Reeves spent too much time aggressively talking down the economy, talking up the problems and over emphasising (indeed grossly exaggerating) her economic inheritance. She can't expect those with money to invest to respond positively to all that stuff. They were always much more likely to keep their hands in their pockets.
Those to the left of Reeves have warned that she seems to be returning to austerity. They make that out to be a political choice. I would have hoped that those folk would have heeded the major lesson of the brief Truss-Kwarteng interlude - that the elected politicians in charge of our affairs at any point in time often have much less room for manoeuvre than one might think. They can take a touch on the tiller but major rapid shifts are likely to cause a capsize. This is because, whatever the demands for spending (and they appear almost limitless), there is only so much money.
Only so much you can raise by taxes and only so much you can borrow. Too much of the former and wave goodbye to any chance of strong economic growth for the foreseeable future.The bond vigilantes will limit the latter. The former Bank governor Mark Carney referred to us being dependent upon the kindness of strangers. But here's the rub. Those strangers aren't necessarily strangers - they are the major lenders in a market we know well. And they aren't being kind when they lend, they are just taking a cold, hard assessment of returns and risk. And they have other places they can put their money.
One of the things Reeves seems to be considering is merging the various comparatively small public sector pension schemes inter a superfund and "encouraging" it to invest in the UK in her infrastructure schemes. Most pension schemes used to invest mainly in the UK but for some time now they have invested mainly overseas, which has been one of the factors reducing the liquidity in the London stock market and its attractiveness as a place to list shares. I understand the logic in this and it is tempting. But I wouldn't want to be the one who has to tell those pension scheme members in the future that the returns on their invested pensions have been poor. Just think - their money could have been put into HS2.
Of course one could try to direct where the money goes - if you want to take a big step towards a communist economy. Not a good track record there.
The latest bit of thrashing around from Reeves, after her visit to China (did they chide her about Huawei, I wonder?) was the rather sudden and bizarre reintroduction of the Heathrow third runway into the conversation. There is a case for the third runway as Heathrow routinely runs very close to capacity so has next to no resilience against problems at Heathrow or indeed at other connecting airports. But as the owner of Heathrow has no current intention of attempting to resurrect the project and the controversy it would cause all over again one couldn't imagine any concrete being poured for several years. Just get on and build those houses, Rachel. Not easy but surely more guaranteed to bring benefits. Benefits, moreover, that would be spread around the country. But maybe Angela told you she can't deliver them?
Well just go back and tell her to get on with it. House building is an example where you could nearly reach the target or surpass it. After all, you can't build 80% or 120% of a third Heathrow runway, can you?
Despite having executed the equivalent of an F1 driver stalling on the grid, Reeves got a football manager's vote of confidence from Starmer, who said she'd be in post to the end of her contract. Sorry, the political equivalent, the next election.
But then it doesn't matter whether there is a change of chancellor, the economic circumstances - the exigencies of our situation - would be pretty much the same, as would the room for maneouvre.
The one possible reason for changing is that a new chancellor could adopt some change to the latest version of the "golden rules", loosening the straight jacket of what counts as being prudent and underpins budgets these days. Gordon Brown's version was that the government should only borrow to invest in the future, met on average over the economic cycle with a sustainability rule, limiting the debt to GDP ratio. George Osborne tweaked these in 2016 to have national debt falling as a percentage of GDP and achieving a budget surplus by the end of the parliament. The can kicking equivalent of make me righteous but not yet. Jeremy Hunt modified it to target the overall deficit. Rachel has gone back to a target where day to day revenues meet day to day expenditure by the end of the parliament and that public debt should fall as a share of the economy. Those of you who have stayed awake may say that is pretty well what it said before, but Reeves adopted a new definition of public debt (PSNFL, public sector net financial liabilities. If you hear an economics editor say "persnuffle" they aren't sneezing). This gave her a bit more wiggle room without spooking the markets.
She also tweaked a third rule, introduced by Osborne, called the welfare cap, designed to limit payments on social security. From my reading she tightened that to limit the scope for future policy changes to increase social security spending. I imagine this was to protect her against spendthrift pressure later in the parliament, "can't break my rules".
A new chancellor could further tweak the rules. But that wouldn't instill confidence so, at least for now, wouldn't help.
So we're stuck with Reeves, her rules, her growth mantra and the utter vacuum that lies behind it.
The problem is it turns out that Rachel is a chancer. A chancer with her CV and a gambler with her budget. Go bold she thought. It worked for Geoffrey Howe and Margaret Thatcher in 1981 even though 364 economists wrote to the Times to say they'd made a big mistake. That time boldness paid off.
Sometimes boldness is indeed the right approach. Many fail because they aren't bold enough.
But on this occasion a more incremental approach was called for. I understand why she thought it best to get all the bad news on tax out of the way at once and get on with mending public services by a big boost in spending rather than being timid. But they were political, not economic reasons. The markets twitched but didn't melt down but business didn't buy it. The desperately needed growth is further away, not closer. But going back isn't an option.
It usually takes chancellors more time than this to run out of road. The better analogy might be that the road is there, but Rachel's motor has no engine.
Winnie the Pooh may have been a bear of little brain but at least he had some self awareness. I'm afraid Rachel is a bird of far less brain than I had thought.
She (and we) will have to live with it.
Sleep well, Rachel. At least until the next set of economic and employment data.
*** What's true on Rachel Reeves' LinkedIn CV - and what's not. Evening Standard 14 Jan 2025,